Beaumont Hospital Board

Maximum Number of Positions: 11
Gender Balance Numbers: Female (3), Male (4)
Gender Balance Percentage: Female (43%), Male (57%)

Name First Appointed Reappointed Expiry Date Position type Basis of appointment
Bernice Ruane 02/07/2021 29/04/2024 28/04/2027 Board Member Nominated and appointed by Minister for Health following PAS process.
John Latham (Dr) 27/09/2023 16/04/2026 Board Member Nominated by the ICGP and appointed by the Minister for Health.
Kieran Kelly 17/08/2023 16/08/2026 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following a PAS process.
Michelle Butler (Prof) 17/04/2023 16/04/2026 Board Member Nominated by DCU and appointed by the Minister for Health.
Patrick Redmond (Prof) 17/04/2023 16/04/2026 Board Member Nominated by the RCSI and appointed by the Minister for Health.
Pauline Philip 14/10/2022 20/06/2023 19/06/2026 Chair Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following a PAS process.
Tom O'Leary 27/03/2024 18/06/2026 Board Member Nominated by Dublin City Council/Fingal County Council and appointed by the Minister for Health.
Vacancy 29/06/2021 28/06/2024 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS process.
Vacancy 17/08/2023 28/06/2024 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following a PAS process.