National Cancer Registry Board

Maximum Number of Positions: 7
Gender Balance Numbers: Female (3), Male (3)
Gender Balance Percentage: Female (50%), Male (50%)

Name First Appointed Reappointed Expiry Date Position type Basis of appointment
Cathy Enright 11/01/2024 10/01/2028 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS Process
Ellen Farrell 04/05/2022 03/05/2026 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following a PAS Process
Mark Lawler (Prof) 15/07/2021 14/07/2025 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS Process
Mary Bourke 15/07/2021 14/07/2025 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS Process
Niall Murphy 16/01/2023 15/01/2027 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS Process
Robert O'Connor 12/04/2019 05/04/2022 04/04/2026 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following PAS Process
Vacancy 31/05/2017 15/02/2021 14/02/2025 Chair Nominated and appointed by Minister for Health