St. James's Hospital Board

Maximum Number of Positions: 11
Gender Balance Numbers: Female (4), Male (5)
Gender Balance Percentage: Female (44%), Male (56%)

Name First Appointed Reappointed Expiry Date Position type Basis of appointment
Brian Murray 10/03/2014 24/04/2019 23/04/2025 Board Member Nominated by the Chairman of the Hospital Board. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Catherine Mullarkey 08/03/2022 07/03/2028 Chairperson Nominated and appointed as a member from 14th May 2019 by the Minister for Health following a PAS Process. Nominated and Appointed by the Minister for Health as Chairperson from 8th March 2022 following a PAS process for Chairperson.
Charles Normand 30/04/2013 27/09/2019 26/09/2025 Board Member Nominated by University of Dublin; Appointed by the Minister for Health
Garry Burke 01/07/2020 27/03/2025 Board Member Nominated by the Chairman of the Hospital Board. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Hilary Coates 17/12/2019 16/12/2025 Board Member Nominated by the Chairman of the Hospital Board. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Juliette Hussey 27/09/2019 26/09/2025 Board Member Nominated by University of Dublin; Appointed by the Minister for Health
Kieran Ryan 17/11/2022 16/11/2028 Board Member Nominated and appointed by the Minister for Health following a PAS Process.
Michael Gleeson 30/04/2013 14/05/2019 13/05/2025 Board Member Nominated by St. James's Hospital Foundation. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Máire Devine 25/11/2020 01/08/2024 Board Member Nominated by Dublin City Council. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Vacancy 11/10/2019 01/08/2024 Board Member Nominated by Dublin City Council. Appointed by the Minister for Health
Vacancy 29/06/2021 29/08/2025 Board Member Nominated by the Chairperson of the Hospital Board. Appointed by the Minister for Health